Short Stories

—R. A. Lafferty

  •   · Excerpt    
      "“I always said we'd find one of them that was fun,” remarked Brian. “There's been entirely too much solemnity in the universe. Did you never panic on thinking of the multiplicity of systems?” “Never,” said Georgina. “Not even when, having set down a fine probability for the totality of worlds, you realized suddenly that you had to raise it by a dozen powers yet?” “What's to panic?” “Not even when it comes over you, ‘This isn't a joke; this is serious; every one of them is serious’?” “ ‘Cosmic intimidation,’ Belloc called it. And it does tend to minimize a person.” “And did you never hope that out of all that prodigality of worlds, one at least should have been made for fun? One should have been made by a wild child or a mixed-up goblin just to put the rest of them in proper perspective, to deflate the pomposity of the cosmos.”"  —R. A. Lafferty

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